Amazon & Walmart Repricing Tool

Are you selling on Amazon or Walmart and using Inventory Source?
Are you looking into repricers to help you stay competitive on these Sales Marketplaces? Check out! is a powerful, well known repricing software that Inventory Source can integrate with so you can have your inventory and possibly orders automated by us and your pricing strategy automated by This sets you up to be a ultimate power dropship retailer! 

As allows you to win the Buy Box prices on Amazon, gives you more exposure, and gives you the opportunity to "skyrocket your sales," Inventory Source will make sure that your product quantities and prices are in sync and up to date hourly.

With using both Inventory Source and you will have more control over your margins due to their repricing and our automation. With us updating your pricing file in your dashboard hourly and their system pulling in and monitoring those changes you'll be able to change your pricing in bulk faster and know when quantities are getting low so you can have the competitive advantage.

If you're wanting us to integrate with your existing account it's quite simple!

How does it work?

Inventory Source gives you a link to your price file that we set you up with. What we need from you to set this up is as followed:

  • A minimum starting price formula/ logic
    Your minimum price will be the “list price” that is calculated using your price markup tools in our dashboard.
  • A maximum price formula/ logic
    Your maximum price will be set as a percentage increase from that “list price”. Let us know what percentage increase from the minimum price you would like to have set for calculating your maximum.
  • A list of SKUs to the correct ASINs that you're wanting this pricing file to pertain to.
  • Your Marketplace ID that you can find in your dashboard.

  • Your Strategy ID that you can also find in your dashboard

Once we have this information we will set you up with a price file that you will upload to your account. We will be pushing data and updating that file hourly so any changes you make to the pricing file in the Inventory Source dashboard will be reflected in which will help you have the most competitive advantage possible.

When we get you set up with this file you can then go into the Inventory Source Dashboard and adjust the pricing of the products accordingly. If you want to add any markups to the wholesale cost or add any landed costs you can adjust it there in the Price Markup tool and the changes you make will be updated in the file and will be reflected on your Amazon account hourly. With our automation tools and's strategic pricing tools you will be able to win the buy box faster and easier, and you'll be able to better forecast and control your margins.

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