Which Suppliers Have Product Variations?

The concept of "variants" as we define them are logically mapping "child products" (i.e. variants) to the "parent product" which is the product listing that appears on your website. For the suppliers and sales channels that support product variations Inventory Source can "map" the variants for product listings to their parent product. This helps you to have a well organized shopping experience on your website, and not the same product duplicated multiple times across your store for each size and color.

* For Example... If you sell a pouch like the one in the image to the left that comes in two different colors, you will want to list that product once and then provide both colors in a dropdown, not two different product listings for each color *

Each supplier has a different way of "mapping" their child products to parent products. Some use SKU suffixes, prefixes, separate data in their feed, and some don't provide any kind of mapping at all. This means we need to go through each supplier individually and map their variants and depending on what the supplier provides in their inventory feed this could can be done with code in a few days or has to be manually mapped and could take weeks/months.

We are constantly adding new suppliers, and suppliers are constantly adding new products.  Therefore in our Supplier Directory you will can see whether a supplier has variants integrated or not (see below).

This is our list of our integrated platforms that support variations.

Note: For suppliers with variants, you must run a Full Update. You cannot isolate one product or a category of products. Variants will not take affect in any way unless all of the products are deleted and a Full Update is run.

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