What happens if my Sales Channel is deleted?

If you request us to cancel your integration, you are effectively deleting your connection to your Sales Channel. Likewise, if you choose to remove your integration from your Inventory Source account instead of freezing it, please be aware of the following:

  1. We strongly recommend you make a full backup of your Sales Channel on their end before the deletion begins. See the links below for help on how to accomplish this with popular Sales Channels. Inventory Source does not maintain historical data for cancelled or deleted integrations.
  2. Similarly, please note that any manual edits, custom images, etc., done by you in your Sales Channel are not stored in Inventory Source and, if wiped and not backed up by you, will be lost forever. Therefore, see #1 above again.
  3. Please be aware that reloading all items on your Sales Channel may impact your store's URL structure. This may additionally affect any SEO efforts you have made. See also What is the difference between a PQS Update and a Full Update?

Popular links to help you backup or export your Sales Channel

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