Can I turn off or stop syncing pricing data to my Sales Channel?

Yes, we can turn off pricing updates from our admin section. However, we do not offer a toggle in your user interface for this yet. Please contact support to request this.

Please know there are some caveats to turning off pricing updates for your channels or suppliers.

If you do not want us to update price of products on your store with the daily update process, please be aware that when we turn it off that new products you add to your Store Catalog will still upload with the pricing data. But, from next update and all subsequent PQS updates, we will not update the price for any of the products that currently exists on your store.

Therefore, before requesting this update to be turned off, please create "default" pricing rules for your new products. For a brief period of time, the pricing data, including any pricing rules you have configured in the Catalog Rules will appear on your store for any New Product listings that you add to your Store Catalog. They will remain unchanged until you either (a) update the price manually on your store, or (b) sync over new pricing data from an import or repricing tool.

Once we turn off pricing data, the change is effective immediately; we will stop pushing pricing data with your next PQS update.

Pricing Data includes Wholesale Cost, MSRP, MAP, and List Price.

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