How can I set notifications about Orders that fail to process?
By default, Order Manager will notify the account holder by sending an email to the account holder's email address when an order inside Order Manager fails to process (for any reason).
You can add additional email addresses besides the account holder's email address to also be alerted to failed order processes.
To stop receiving notifications about orders that fail to process, toggle the switch in the above setting to Off, or remove the affected emails.
To get to this setting:
- Login to your Inventory Source Account and visit your Order Manager here.
- In the upper right-hand corner, choose the Channels tab:
Inside the Channels, choose the blue sprocket settings wheel for the Sales Channel you wish to control notifications for:
In the menu that appears, choose the Orders option to see the Orders Settings menu:
Toggle the Setting for "Email Me When Orders Fail to Auto Process" from On to Off (or vice-versa to enable).