Product Status: What is the Difference Between Active and Inactive?

When viewing your products, either in the Supplier Feed, Product Queue, or Store Catalog, the status field shows whether a product is Active or Inactive.

  • Active: indicates we received product data from the last upload from the supplier.
  • Inactive: indicates that on the last import of product data from the supplier, we did not receive the SKU in question. The product may no longer be offered, or discontinued. Inactive entries are deleted after 90 consecutive days of being inactive.

Note: Discontinued products and inactive products are the same in most respects. Some suppliers remove products from their feed when they are out of stock, but not discontinued. Therefore, it is not always the case that that an inactive product is "gone forever". To learn why a product is inactive, or if you believe it should still be active, reach out to your supplier directly.

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