What is an On-Demand update?

You can manually force an "on-demand" update (sync) from your Inventory Source account to your Sales Channel (store) each day.

To do this, log in to your Inventory Source account and navigate to the Integrations tab. Press the blue "Run an On Demand Update" button in the upper right-hand corner.

Other information about On-Demand updates

On-Demand updates begin within a few minutes. Starting an On-Demand update places your integrations at the front of our processing queue. 

On-Demand updates take the same amount of time as regular updates but start when you decide to run them. 

On-Demand updates do not alter your integrations' normally scheduled updates.

Running an On-Demand update will schedule all your active integrations.

On-Demand updates only affect the synchronization from your Inventory Source account to your Sales Channels. They do not affect syncs from your Supplier Feed to Inventory Source or updates to Order Manager from either your Supplier or Sales Channel.

There is a limit on how often each account can run an on-demand update within a 24-hour period:

  • Basic Accounts can perform 1 On-Demand update within a 24-hour period.
  • Plus Accounts can perform 4 On-Demand updates within a 24-hour period.
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