PrestaShop-1.7.2 and below Field Mapping

IS Friendly Names Platform Field Names Configurable in integration settings? Update in Full Update/PQS?
SKU Reference code NA
Wholesale Cost Wholesale price NA PQS
MSRP (manufacturer standard retail price) Retail price NA PQS
MAP (minimum advertise price) NA NA
Final List Price Final retail price NA PQS
Status (active) Enabled, Visibility NA PQS
Quantity Quantity NA PQS
Title Name NA Full Update
Short Description Short description NA Full Update
Long Description Description NA Full Update
Manufacturer Manufacturer NA Full Update
Weight Package weight NA Full Update
Category1 Associated categories, Default category NA Full Update
Category2 Associated categories, Default category NA Full Update
UPC UPC barcode NA Full Update
Image(s) Images NA Full Image Upload
Height Package height NA Full Update
Length Package depth NA Full Update
Width Package width NA Full Update
Multi-Pack Quantity (set default to 1 if n/a) NA NA
Dropship Fee NA NA
Shipping Cost NA NA
Thumbnail NA NA
Is Firearm NA NA
Parent SKU NA NA
Options (if variations) NA NA
Parent Title NA NA
Child Title NA NA
Attributes NA NA

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