Order Manager Onboarding

Before receiving orders, it is a good idea to confirm you are fully setup in your Order Manager by placing a test order first. The test order's purpose is to:

  1. confirm orders are importing properly from your sales channel
  2. ensure orders are being processed and routed to your supplier(s)
  3. confirm tracking is syncing back properly to your sales channel (where applicable)

Here are some helpful steps to make sure you are fully onboarded within your Order Manager:

  1. Place a Test Order: Place an order on your sales channel just as one of your customers would. Select a small, low-priced item since the order will be fulfilled and shipped (for tracking purposes).
  2. Login to your Order Manager: Once the order is placed, login to your Inventory Source account to access Order Manager.

  1. Confirm your Test Order was imported: If you are on a Plus plan, orders will import from your sales channel every 15 minutes. If you are on a Basic plan, orders import every hour. If you want to force a sync, you can do so with the "Order Sync" button. This will automatically import any orders that were waiting for the next scheduled sync to run.

  • 4. Assign Shipping Mapping and Resolve any Errors: Once your order imports, you will likely see a red RESOLVE button next to your test order. This simply means there are details in the order that need attention, and on the first order it is almost always because you have not yet set the shipping mappings.

Most supplier integrations require that you map your shipping methods. For your test order, you'll need to select the shipping carrier + method you want to use to fulfill the order. You will only see shipping options supported by your supplier. Once selected, you'll be prompted to save your selection for future orders.

  • Other error messages you receive could be related to missing delivery information, such as the zip code, phone number, etc. Follow the errors and correct any missing information, then click "Update". Once errors are corrected, the red RESOLVE button will show as a green PROCESS button.

  1. Click Process: Be sure to wait for the order to process entirely and look for the blue message flag that confirms the order was placed successfully

  • You will see that your order then moves from "Not Processed" to "Processed" as the new order status.

  1. Contact your Supplier to confirm that your Order has been Received;: You'll want to reach out to your supplier to confirm that they received the order correctly.
  2. Monitor the Order for Tracking:: Once the supplier provides tracking details, we will import those into Order Manager and change the status of the order to "Shipped" and sync the tracking information back into your sales channel.
  3. Start Selling: After you have successfully tracked the life cycle of your first test order, you can feel comfortable accepting actual orders from your customers via your Order Manager.


  • How do I map my shipping methods? Take some time to review the Order Manager: Shipping Mapping
  • Will I have to manually process all of my orders? No, you can opt-in to get set up on auto-processing. In Order Manager, click the Channels tab > Orders and set the auto-processing option to ON. Be sure to add an email address to receive alerts if orders fail out.. Be aware that because you have given Inventory Source authorization to pass orders on to your supplier, any order (no matter how big) that is auto-processed form your sales channel will be given the same weight and authority as if you had placed the order yourself with your supplier.
  • What happens if my order fails? If you have made all corrections indicated by the error messages, but still are unable to process your test order, contact our technical support team to look into any remaining errors.

For more details on your Order Manager, check out the our Order Manager: Getting Stared Guide.

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