New Integration: Feed Activation Checklist

What are the first steps before setting my feed to active? What should I keep in mind?

These are two of the most commonly asked questions. What needs to be done in order to feel confident in setting your feed to active? Here's a checklist:

1. Decide How to Build Your Catalog

Choose between two modes: Builder vs. Filter

Catalog Builder Mode: In this approach you select the products you would like to sell from the feed view and add them to either your queue or catalog in order to customize and review them before loading to your store. This is the recommended and ideal approach if you want to customize any of the product data or simply want to load only select products from your supplier's feed into your store.

Catalog Filter Mode: In this approach, all the products from the supplier’s feed are loaded directly into your catalog except for those products that have been filtered by any exclusion rules you have created. You create the the exclusion rules from the "Exclusions" section in your Catalog Rules.

2. Configure Your Pricing

You can set your pricing rules to auto-price your products based off wholesale cost, MSRP, MAP, weight, and more found in your supplier's feed. You can either apply bulk-pricing rules for all products in your Store Catalog, or apply more specific pricing at the category and individual product level.

3. Configure Your Category Mapping

This is important to get right the first time. If you just push categories as is and you'd like to change the category names later, you will be required to run a full update to push these changes to your sales platform. A full reload will replace all customized work or changes you've made to your products on the backend of your sales channel's admin panel.

Note: This step is not applicable for customers who are integrated with Amazon since Amazon automatically maps categories based on ASINs. Customers who are integrated with other marketplaces like Walmart, Jet, Sears, and eBay are required to map categories specifically to their marketplaces' specifications.

4. Activate Your Feed

Once you've confirmed that you've configured your Catalog products, pricing rules and category mapping to your liking, you are ready to activate your feed to run your first initial update to load all initial product data to your sales platform or marketplace.

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