Etilize Integration

Currently, the Inventory Source and Etilize integrations’ infrastructure is built to funnel the product information from a shared data pool. As we continue to grow our Etilize integrations, we learned that this infrastructure is requiring far more resources than anticipated and our Flxpoint solution offers a better way to support our Etilize users. The framework is properly set up on the Flxpoint system today and Flxpoint will be recommended for our new customers who want to utilize Etilize.

As of June 30th, 2022, Inventory Source will discontinue offering new Etilize Integrations. If you are an Inventory Source customer that is currently using Etilize integrations, this will not affect you. We will continue supporting the existing customers for the foreseeable future. However you will no longer be able to add any new Etilize integrations. If you do cancel your existing integration, you will no longer be able to set it up again.We have taken the decision to discontinue these integrations for new clients as we are focusing on a new range of innovative integrations for Flxpoint.

Etilize Integrations on Flxpoint:

  • Help customers better manage their inventory data
  • Allow for an easy process to handle Product SKU Overlap
  • Offer an improved process for enhancing products data
  • Funnels your personal Etilize data for your price sheet
  • Put rules in place and only download the products you need
  • No shared data equals faster processing time

To learn more about Flxpoint and Etilize, please click here to schedule a demo with our team. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach back to us at

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