Catalog Manager: Advanced Search

There are three main ways to search for products. All three methods work in your Supplier Feed, Product Queue, and Store Catalog.

Searches and filters stay in place until you remove them. 

1. Basic Search

Using the basic search, you can search by keyword, title, SKU, or UPC:

2. Category Filter Sidebar

See how to filter by categories here.

3. Advanced Search

The Advanced Search allows you to choose many parameters in which to search and filter your products by. You can search on your the product's status (active or inactive, as set by your supplier), whether or not the product data includes a UPC, ASIN, image, or multiple images. You can search for products that contain variants, have a MAP price, or has a shipping cost included.

Additionally, you filter all your products by any that you previously set a manual price override on (bypassing your catalog rule's price settings).

You can also search for products within specified ranges of quantity, wholesale, MSRP, weight, and dimensional weight. 

If your supplier provides brand data, you can also search by that.

Once you have set all your search parameters, if you want to come back to the same parameters from time to time, you can save your search as a tag.


Here, I've decided to find all the products that my supplier offers that have a quantity of at least 10, a weight of 10 pounds or more, are in Active status, and have an image included.

You'll notice that I did not use a number at the upper end of the quantity and weight range parameters. That means the Inventory Source app will consider that to be equal to infinity.

When I apply these parameters, I see the following results of 8,767 items:

I then decide to add a category filter using the category filter sidebar from #2 above, which further reduces my list to 226 products that meet all of the above requirements:

Let's take a closer look at the search filters showing at the top of my Supplier Feed now:

If I change my mind on any of these parameters, I can click the small X next to it to remove that particular parameter.

As I move from my Supplier Feed, to my Product Queue, to my Store Catalog, these parameters will stay in place until I remove them one at a time, or until I refresh by browser.

Power Tip for Builder Mode

Looking to add the latest products your supplier offers? Although your Supplier Feed defaults to be sorted by the newest products, you may not necessarily know how new something is. For customers using Inventory Source's Builder Mode, here's a tip on how you can stay on top of new products offered by your supplier.

Using the Advanced Search, you can filter your entire feed by the last parameter on the bottom right (Added to Feed Within) and choose a date range to just see products added to your Supplier Feed within that range.

For instance, here I've decided to just see what items my supplier has added as new within the past month:

I could do this on a regular basis, such as the 1st of each month, setting a reminder to myself in my calendar app. On the 1st of each month, I could review the new items offered and decided which ones I want to sell, place them in my Product Queue (for further customization and price research) and even tag the products something memorable such as "2021-June-New-Products".

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