Catalog Manager: Category Filter Sidebar

You can access our Category Filter Sidebar features by clicking the thin bar on the left-hand side of your Catalog Manager that says "CATEGORIES". 

How to Access:

Overview of the category filter features:

  1. All and Matching: All will show you all categories available from the supplier feed. Matching will show you only the categories relevant to your current view, filters and search. So for example if you only have "Pet Products" moved over to your Catalog View, you will only see the "Pet Products" Category, when you are viewing your Store Catalog and "Matching" is selected.
  2. Alphabetical Sorting: You can sort categories alphabetically and by product count.
  3. In Category and Not In Category: You can now select multiple categories to apply to a search, and based on what is selected here, it will either show you products in the categories you have selected or products not in the categories you have selected. These searches will also be able to perform bulk actions.

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