Catalog Manager: Getting Started Guide


This video is a brief overview of our Catalog Manager and its features.

Category Mapping

This video outlines how to use our Category Mapping feature within the Catalog Manager tool as well as highlighting advanced Category Mapping. A more in depth guide and FAQs can be found here: Catalog Manager: Category Mapping Rules. 

Pricing Rules

This video focuses on how to use the Pricing Rules feature in the Catalog Manager. It will show how you are able to set up different pricing rules based on your business's unique strategy. A more in depth guide and FAQs can be found here:  Catalog Manager: Pricing Rules

Catalog Controls

In this video, we show you how to use your Catalog Controls within the Catalog Manager tool depending on what tool you are using including the minimum quantity filter and how you upload out-of-stock products. 

Bulk Controls

This video is an overview on how to use the Bulk Controls tab in the Catalog Manager tool including how to upload bulk product customizations and bulk price overrides.

Other Catalog Manager Tools

If you're interested in learning more about the following additional features within our Catalog Manager, click here.

  • Builder vs. Filter Mode
  • Creating Tags
  • Product Customizations
  • Unlinking SKUs and Products
  • Download Product Catalog
  • Category Filter Sidebar

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does it seem that a lot of the product images are missing when viewing "The Feed"?

  • You will notice that the Feed is sorted by "newest" products by default. These are the "newest" products added into the feed by the supplier. Many suppliers add in products to their feed before they have uploaded the images for them. As soon as images become available in the supplier's feed we will pull them into your "Feed View" within a 24 hour period.

Why does it take so long to load "My Catalog"?

  • After switching to the Catalog Manager for the first time, it can take a minute or two for your Catalog to load all your existing products. You can navigate away from this screen and it will continue to upload. The second time you navigate to your Catalog, it will load much quicker.
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