Shopify: Managing Collections

How To Organize Your Supplier’s Categories Into Shopify Collections.

Renaming Your Inventory Source Categories: 

By default, your Supplier will have existing category names for their products. You can change these by opening your Catalog Manager in Inventory Source, and clicking "Catalog Rules" in the top right corner of your screen, then selecting "Category Mapping":

Once you've opened Category Mapping, you'll see all of the existing categories your supplier has created.

By clicking on a category's name, you can backspace and change it as shown below:

In this example, I've renamed the Parent Category (B̶e̶a̶u̶t̶y̶ ̶&̶ ̶F̶r̶a̶g̶r̶a̶n̶c̶e̶) to Health & Beauty

The Categories listed below are the Sub Categories that belong to Health & Beauty.

When your products are uploaded to Shopify: 

  • The Parent Category will correlate to the Product's Type.
  • Sub Categories will become a Product Tag.

Shopify Collection Conditions:

Shopify uses Conditions to determine which Collection a product will belong to.

The two main conditions you'll use will be Product Types and Tags.

A Product Title is another optional condition. If a product title contains the word "Dress" for example, you can specify that anything that has Dress in its title should belong to a particular collection.

Enter the new names you've given your suppliers categories into the field(s) next to your conditions. Remember, the Parent Category will map to the Product Type, and the Sub Category will match the Product Tag.

When creating Collections, it’s a good rule of thumb to first outline how your store's categories will be organized.

Once you’ve outlined the main categories your store will have, follow these steps to rename your supplier's categories in Inventory Source, so that they match your collections on Shopify. 

You can then run an On-Demand Update to sync these changes, or wait until your next scheduled update takes place. 

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